“A project that we all create together” ONE OK ROCK. Taka’s challenge for 10 years from now

A project that we all create together

“Forbes JAPAN’s June 2024 issue features “NEXT100”, aiming to save the world. This project spotlights “100 diverse new entrepreneurs”: entrepreneurs and leaders who are pioneering their own paths and employing new methods to tackle global, societal, and local challenges. A project that we all create together. It’s a collaborative effort where we all contribute. These individuals create new value metrics with their unique styles and aesthetics, generating social and economic impacts alongside many others. They represent hope for the world’s future. Keep an eye on these innovators striving for a better future.”

Regarding the second part, it seems like it might be a continuation or an example of the “NEXT100” project, but the connection to the preceding paragraph isn’t entirely clear. Could you clarify the context or the intention behind mentioning the two individuals born in 1988 and their organic supermarket project?

A Turning Point in the Way the Friends and Friends Set up an Organic Supermarket

“A project that we all create together” ONE OK ROCK. Taka’s challenge for 10 years from now

This is the beginning of a long project that we will all create together,” say Taka, vocalist of the rock band ONE OK ROCK, and Yua Onchi, CEO of ONPA JAPAN. In March 2024, they jointly opened an organic supermarket called 15/e organic. The supermarket, which sells only naturally grown foods and 100% naturally derived cosmetics and supplements, took about three years from concept to realization.

The two have been friends since their 20s, but why did they decide to start an organic supermarket? It is said that each of them had a turning point when their awareness of food changed. Taka lives on a bus during his overseas tours: “Since I travel by bus for more than a month, I tend to eat unevenly.

“After doing this for more than 10 years, I realized that depending on what I eat, my tonsils may swell, and that food can affect my physical strength and performance,” Taka reflected. On the other hand, Onchi, who used to be indifferent to her food, started to change her awareness of food due to Taka’s influence, changes in her physical condition since turning 30, and a serious illness in her family.

“It’s difficult to maintain a diet that is 100% beneficial to your body. So, just like working five days a week and taking two days off, I want to set aside days to eat things that are good for my body, like Saturdays and Sundays,” explained Taka. “This project started with the idea of creating a place where things that would bring peace of mind during such times were gathered,” Onchi recalled.

A project that we all create together Started Date

“A project that we all create together” ONE OK ROCK. Taka’s challenge for 10 years from now

The project commenced in May 2021, with the store name embodying the significance of words starting with the letter “e,” like earth, environment, and ecology. Anchored on this principle, we established our own criteria that emphasize 100% natural and naturally derived standards, such as sourcing from farmlands free of pesticides for the past two years and excluding synthetic additives. Each product undergoes meticulous tasting and selection.

“Despite being told by those around me that it was impossible, I remained steadfast in my standards, even if it meant taking extra time,” remarked Onchi. Driven by this conviction, Onchi journeyed to farms across the country, dedicating three years to curating their product offerings.

Common thoughts between music and projects

We adhere to strict standards when selecting products for a reason. Taka emphasizes, “In today’s world, many approaches focus on packaging. Rather than emphasizing outward appearances, fostering understanding of the essence builds a strong bond between creator and recipient.” “Just as I strive for one-on-one connection with people on stage, I aim to engage with each individual personally in this project, rather than expanding its reach.” This shared motivation lies at the heart of both endeavors. 

“A project that we all create together” ONE OK ROCK. Taka’s challenge for 10 years from now

With this in mind, we prioritize customer service by ensuring all our store staff are certified nutritionists. Customers can select products while consulting with them on their physical condition and daily menu, or engage in individual discussions in our counseling room. Our aim is not just limited to us; we want to share our values with supermarket visitors and co-create a brand together with them. While we cherish simple interactions with visitors and farmers, we also aspire to develop our brand globally.

“Through our band activities, we’ve approached things not only in Japan but also worldwide. Similarly, to innovate, it’s crucial to rethink existing systems from a global perspective.”

Regarding their vision for the next 10 years, Taka stated, “To preserve Japanese culture and history, it’s crucial to explore the world and understand ourselves.” He added, “Contrary to the trend of instant gratification, where everything is easily attainable, we envision a 10-year journey to achieve our goals, rebelling against the times in the best sense of the word.”

Onchi elaborated on their future plans, saying, “Our first challenge is affordability. Through 15/e organic, we aim to showcase the deliciousness of naturally grown ingredients and highlight the dedication of farmers practicing natural cultivation. We plan to expand our support for these farmers, purchase more farmland, and increase production to create a future where more people opt for naturally grown vegetables.”

The two emphasize that this project is a collaborative effort to create new values and awareness, aiming to establish a future where naturally grown vegetables are accessible throughout Japan, offering peace of mind to everyone. Taka remarked, “Nothing is perfect. That’s why I believe that by growing alongside this project, it will evolve into something meaningful in 10 years.”

The store, renovated from a 40-year-old wooden building, is situated not on the main street of Omotesando, but tucked away in a back alley. This deliberate choice reflects their approach of not imposing their preferences unilaterally, but rather presenting the store as a place where they can share their values with visitors.

Taka ◎Born in 1988 in Tokyo. He joined ONE OK ROCK in 2005 and serves as vocalist and song writer. He made his major debut in 2007 with “Naihishinsho.” Songs such as “Kantaku Sensai Dreamer” became hits, and in 2015, he signed a contract with Warner Bros. Records. He lives in Los Angeles.

Yua Onchi ◎Born in 1988 in Wakayama Prefecture. He decided to start his own business at the age of 19 and founded ONPA JAPAN at the age of 20. He started out in the product sales business, and now runs a beauty and health business. Up until now, the company has developed a diverse range of businesses, including internet sales, store management, and web marketing.


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