“Flying in the sky” and “My teeth falling out”: the psychological hidden meanings of 5 dreams

``Flying in the sky'' and ``My teeth falling out'': the psychological hidden meanings of 5 dreams

“Dreams” are a part of our consciousness that tell mysterious stories or represent some kind of symbol. Across cultures and eras, dreaming have been the subject of constant interest and interpretation. Through psychological research, both academics and the general public hope to elucidate the meaning of dreaming. Psychological perspective on dreams Dreams are perhaps one

Parallel Worlds Discovered: What We Know So Far

Evidence of "parallel worlds" finally discovered?

What is a parallel world? The concept of parallel worlds often sparks grand dreams in people’s minds. Imagining alternate universes where different choices lead to entirely different outcomes suggests the possibility of accessing such realities. The idea that not only particles and fields, but even humans could be transported between universes suggests the tantalizing prospect